Ever since a young age, I’ve enjoyed photography and more recently I have decided to go out more and make time for photography as well as editing and general messing around in Photoshop. You can find some of my better pictures on Unsplash and if you'd like a copy of the RAW file just send me a message on my contact form or on Unsplash.
I have slowly started to write blogs on things I've learnt to do with marketing, tech and photography. Writing isn't something I've ever enjoyed or felt that I'm particularly good at but as a marketer, I feel I need to improve my copywriting skills. I thought a good place to start improving my writing skills would be to start blogging about topics that I experience through my work. The topics will generally be focussed around simple marketing problems that pop up for your average small business such as how to do simple email marketing, setting up Wordpress users, resizing and compressing images for the web and general website tips.
I will set up a simple email opt-in list so if you're interested you can keep up to date with new blogs.