Here is my blog. This will be a mix of digital marketing, tech and photography but if there are any topics you’d like me to cover just pop me a message via the contact form.
How To Create An HTML Accordion
TLDR; I decided to figure out how to create an HTML accordion for my useful marketing tools and useful code snippets section so that I wouldn’t have to take the speed hit from javascript. If you just want to see the instructions and not my ramblings you can view them at the bottom of the […]
TlDR; You can use an SVG image as your website favicon to improve site speed on web browsers that allow it while falling back to an .ICO favicon if the browser doesn't support an SVG. I read an interesting post that said you could use an SVG image as your website favicon for browsers that […]
TLDR; This blog is about the useful marketing tools section of the website, where it came from, why I've created it and how it can help you. You may or may not have noticed but I have started to create a section on my website dedicated to helpful marketing tools that I've used in the […]
Hi, I'm Chay! I'm a digital marketer currently working at a marketing agency in Sudbury but less about where I am but rather how I got here. How I Got Into Marketing I started off going to university in the Netherlands for around 3 months before I decided that it wasn't for me and I'd […]